Monday 11 February 2008



We have a one good game. It's called "SHADOWMAN". Not everyone know this game, but It's one of the coolest games. The game story is very interesting and no game has better one. We think that maybe some generous dude will use this game to create a film. On our opinion, this movie would be a one of the best movies that was based on the PC game.
Story is about one guy who was in the wrong place and at the wrong time. His job was to save the world. The main idea of world saving is very good and we haven't seen or heard of better one. This game has lots of different styles of architecture, interior, animal and other creatures images.
We don't know how crazy were the creators of this game, but final result of it is very scary (especially if you play it at night with headphones). We couldn't sleep at night because of that game. One dude who told us that this game rocks, is very freakish. We think that everyone should try to scare the crap out of them, while playing this game.
If some is interested about this piece of goodness, you can find some more info at website given below.

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